«Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Зеренді ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Елікті ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
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Lesson plan

Short-term plan Unit 6: Traditions  and customs

School: Bereznyakovka S.S.


Teacher name:Satubaeva A.U.

 Grade: 2a

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Special days

Learning objectives(s)

2.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions  intelligibly;

2. R3 recognise and identify some familiar sight words from local environment;

2.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information











Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

-say numerals intelligibly

-Name the main vocabulary words;

-say names of some birthday items intelligibly

Most learners will be able to:

-name 80 % of the words correctly;

-use them in their speech

-respond to some questions about their birthday correctly

Some learners will be able to:

-say all the words correctly;


-use words in their speech;


-produce words of birthday presents and narrate to the class

Success criteria

Learners have met this learning objective if they can: 

-recognise all familiar sight words;

-identify all familiar sight words;

-do most of tasks correctly.

Value links

Ls will work together as a group showing respect and being polite with each other, respect to the traditions and customs

Cross curricular links

Primary Science

ICT skills

PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard

Previous learning

Traditions  and customs


Planned timings

Planned activities





15 mins







Learners are introduced the LOs.

Checking of the home task.

Warm up

Teacher introduces idea of greetings on special days and projects PPT of greetings  to elicit/teach greetings for  special occasions :

Birthday, Holidays, best wishes






10 mins













  • Hello, boys and girls
  • How are you?
  • What day is it today?
  • What is the weather like today?


  • Good morning (3р.)  to you!
  • Good morning, good morning,
  • I am glad to see you!


Warm up activity  "One, two, three..."

It is a competition, on the blackboard the teacher draws a large circle and enters the number in it in a scattered order, calls two students to the board. Other students name different numbers, the students at the board must find those numbers and cross. The student who finishes the task first and quickly will be the winner.



Pupils recognize a new question.

  • Sing a song “How old are you?” and learn a new question.



Pupils respond to some information questions about their birthday correctly.

  • Look at the pictures and ask each other a new question.
  • How old are you? – I am 5.


Video Gogo

Learners watch video.

Learners walk round the class and  ask each other  the question “How old are you?



















How old are You - Gogo


























5 mins

Introducing new words

  • Teacher demonstrates and drills birthday words:   cake, balloons, candles,  friends,  presents, friends  using the PPT
  1. Whole class repeats the words after Teacher three times  
  2. Teacher can ask each student to name  pictures without  words


Mini book creation

  • Pass out mini book worksheet
  • Explain that now learners are going to do a mini book, color their book (for some classes teacher can review colors)
  • Learners cut and color their mini books
  • Practice peer assessment

Ask learners to swop their books and check if the words are written correctly

Differentiation by support: Less able learners work with teacher’s assistance.


Reflection Teacher gives her comments about students work and awards students giving images of different smiles













Mini book worksheet


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Support for weaker students: working in pairs/groups, phrases

Challenges for moreable students: Encouraged to do more writing; assist weaker students.

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?



Checking the task

Feedback on the work

Health and safety check
ICT links

Video, online PPT


Differentiation can be by task, by outcome, by individual support, by selection of teaching materials and resources taking into account individual abilities of learners (Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Gardner).

Differentiation can be used at any stage of the lesson keeping time management in mind


Pair work, group work







Health promoting techniques

Breaks and physical activities used.

Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.



Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?














Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson. 


Summary evaluation



What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?

1:warming up activity

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?


2:reading task


What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?

1:The second and third activities worked well because pupils playing


2: The first activity improved the lesson because pupils listen and colour the .numbers.

What have I learned from this lesson about this class of individuals that will inform my next lesson?


The learners playing and sing a song. I think that a planned differentiation worked well because pupils have learned to count 1 to 10.



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